Friday 29 April 2011

Episod 15 : Don't Judge People (=_=)

If only I have a blog...
Love to Judge?
        Hello friends, today I would like to talk about issues that always struck almost everyone on this earth. 'Judging People'-Do you love to judge people? Did you enjoy doing that? Love to critic others? Usually, when a person is judging or criticizing someone else, they always end up by talking behind his/her back (Bahasa Melayu kata 'Mengumpat'). And this situation only cause intensity in one's relationship. Let me give you a situation :

A : Ish-ish, tengok anak dara Pak Mat tu, dah seksi sekarang. Tudung melayang entah ke mana dah..
B :  Ye ker. Dah macam pelacur aku tengok. Ketat sana. Pendek sini.  Haish, budak zaman sekarang. Orang macam ni lah yang penuhkan neraka jahanam besok. Buat ibadah berapa banyak pun Allah tak terima! (> Judging people)
A : Itulah aku tengok. Tengok gaya macam dah takde harapan dah. Mesti bawak jantan balik rumah tu. (> Judging again…)
>>>>(Haiyo... huhu)
Who are you to judge others?
        If you love doing that, PLEASE STOP!  By judging people, it won't give any advantages or benefits to you (Dapat dosa ada la..)  As a human, we must realize that we do not own the place to judge other people just by looking at their appearances. Only Allah SWT can judge them & only Allah SWT can judge us.
         Who knows, despite their negative appearance, they have some quality & goodness (inside) that even we don't have. (Manalah tahu kot-kot dieorang ni lebih ikhlas kepada Allah SWT dalam perkara baik yang dilakukan. Wallahualam~)
        Never judge a book by its cover k. Unless you are in position of ANTM judges (or what-so-ever judges), feel free to critic! (the contestants only~)(^_^)~
>>> Kalau nak kritik jugak, kritik dengan berhemah & bijaksana (^__^)v

1 comment:

  1. btl3....we shoul'd 'judge a book by it's cover' ,rite ... ehe ..^^

    ...nice knowing you ^^


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